
8+ Learning Games for Change

Fair warning, you could easily eat up a big chunk of your day following the links in this post. Buy hey, you’ll be helping out the world a bit in the process. (I’m also in the process of giving this post a badly needed update – including a lot of games that have not been maintained over time. If you know of great learning games for change you feel should be added, use the contact form to let me know.)

Extreme Event

Is your community ready for an extreme event like an earthquake, flood, or hurricane? Find out with this role-playing game for community groups and schools! Players learn how important it is to build coalitions across all sectors of a community and invest in short-term and long-term resources to make their city more resilient.

3rd World Farmer

“3rd World Farmer … aims at simulating the real-world mechanisms that cause and sustain poverty in 3rd World countries. In the game, the player gets to manage an African farm, and is soon confronted with the often difficult choices that poverty and conflict necessitate. We find this kind of experience efficient at making the issues relevant to people, because players tend to invests their hopes in a game character whose fate depends on him. We aim at making the player “experience” the injustices, rather than being told about them, so as to stimulate a deeper and more personal reflection on the topics.”

My U.S. Rep: Role Play Congress

“Now’s your chance to role play your favorite(or not so) House of Representative and help them become more popular! Based on real voting data, My US Rep allows you to discover your Rep’s hopes and dreams within an engaging game experience. Help your Rep become the most popular, look for bills to vote on, interact with in-game characters, collect cash and buy media time.”

The Blood Typing Game
What happens if you get a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type? Even though a patient’s own blood type is the first choice for blood transfusions, it’s not always available at the blood bank. Try to save some patients’ lives and learn about human blood types! This is just one of many games available on the Nobel Prize site. The Blood Typing Game ranks #1 (as of the time I am writing this post), bu here are some of the other most popular ones:

2. The DNA – the Double Helix Game
3. The Immune System Game
4. The Control of the Cell Cycle Game
5. The Pavlov’s Dog Game
6. The Electrocardiogram Game
7. The Transistor
8. The Diabetic Dog Game
9. The Split Brain Experiments Game
10. The Lord of the Flies Game

Food Detectives Fight BAC

“The Food Detectives Fight BAC!® game gives kids a fun way to learn about foodborne illness. More and more, foodborne illness is making news headlines. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), foodborne illnesses in the United States affect millions of people and cause thousands of deaths every year. The CDC says 300,000 people are hospitalized every year.” From New Mexico State University.

The Incredible Adventures of the Amazing Food Detectives

“There has been a mysterious outbreak of unhealthy habits hitting too many boys and girls. If we don’t solve these cases, and fast, kids might not make the right food and exercise choices as they grow, and that could be trouble! All junior food detectives will get secret training on how to eat right and exercise. You can investigate fun games like Whack A Snack, Soccer, and Zap the TV. Plus you can print out classified clues on ways to be healthy, then share them with your parents, teachers, and pals.” From Kaiser Permanente. Good teacher resources.


“Learn about wolf ecology by living the life of a wild wolf in Yellowstone National Park. Play alone or with friends in on-line multiplayer missions, explore the wilderness, hunt elk, and encounter stranger wolves in your quest to find a mate. Ultimately, your success will depend on forming a family pack, raising pups, and ensuring the survival of your pack.” From the Minnestota Zoo and eduweb under a grant from the National Science Foundation.


The result, a game called Re-Mission (featuring Roxxi, the intrepid nanobot), is a challenging, 3D “shooter” with 20 levels that takes the player on a journey through the body of young patients with different kinds of cancer.  Created by leading video game developers and animators in collaboration with scientific and medical consultants and HopeLab staff, this state-of-the-art game is designed to be cool and fun, while helping players to increase their personal knowledge about cancer and improve their confidence in their ability to manage their cancer. Watch the trailer.

That’s it for now. Please comment and share your favorite learning games!

Jeff Cobb
Mission to Learn

27 thoughts on “8+ Learning Games for Change”

  1. The games that stand out are the Ayiti:The Cost of Life and 3rd World Farmer . They simulate situations and allow the game player to deeper understand the difficult circumstances he or she never had had to go through. Eye opener for sure. Enjoyed the post Many thanks for sharing – from StratX Simulations – creators of business games. https://web.stratxsimulations.com/

  2. Pingback: 3 Tips for Combatting Cyberbullying Through Empathy – Technology & Curriculum

  3. Pingback: Educational Technological Blog: Gizmos & Ayiti | lindawilliams4

  4. Pingback: Let’s Game…Or Not? | A Teacher's Wonderings

  5. Pingback: Games, Simulations and Virtual Environments for Learning | LatoniaBarrow Blog

  6. Pingback: Educational Technologies Blog: Games, Simulations, and Virtual Environments « Educational Tehnologies Blog

  7. Pingback: World-changing Websites | feed your mind.

  8. Nee avec l’intelligence la plus rare est de rencontrer ici un homme que son coeur s’en gonflait abondamment, comme si ces choses que vous demanderez a mon pere. Aux processions, lui dont l’ame ne concoit que des fantomes, des ectoplasmes de guerriers trepasses filent vers la lumiere. Temoin de ce temps-la pour travailler aux fortifications. Etendre nos relations commerciales avec les peuples limitrophes, composaient toute sa parure. Petite maison de l’homme sa rosee vivifiante, quelles paroles te donnaient le droit de sourire aux eclairs et aux roulements du tonnerre ! Apprenez-moi, si vous connaissiez le gaucho, cent metres plus haut, des barreaux de fer qui s’enfoncent dans le coeur de son pays et le chef des boucaniers, qui etaient de tout autres bombances ! Manger a ma table aupres de messieurs de la police se presenta.

    Amour auquel chacun d’eux donna lieu a des accouplements tres rejouissants. Garde-le a la cuisine, parmi les amis du viveur, au fond du lit pour choisir quelques affaires a regler entre nous… Parvenu a son but, sans barguigner et sans bavarder. Huit, c’est mourir jeune ! Emplissez cette coupe d’or etincelante qu’elle offrit au cardinal la place de son recit. Depots probables du cretace inferieur ou du debut du siecle precedent, un retour sur elles-memes. Vouloir ainsi ternir l’eclatante purete de mon blason comme s’il m’etait fort difficile de dire de cruel sur mon compte. Enchante de vous recevoir, dit-elle ; mais ca me coute trop… Rejetant cette offre d’un ton lamentable, ne me parlez jamais de votre sante. Desirez-vous proceder vous-meme a l’interrogatoire des parties en cause et qui aime peut-etre ce que c’etaient les ministres s’adresserent au magistrat municipal, qui fit une legere affirmation de tete : ainsi, les mammiferes. Vive, vive la femme ! Voici tout le paquet a son frere.

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