Flatworld Knowledge has been creating something of a stir lately with its plan to introduce free, open textbooks into the higher education market. I recently had the chance to talk with Flatworld’s chief marketing officer, Eric Frank, about what’s wrong with the textbook industry, what Flatworld is trying to do about it, and how a business can be sustainable when it gives its core product away for free.
Here’s the MP3 file link in case you do not see the audio player below, or in case it gives you any issues. (It seems to buffer very slowly for me.) I’ll also be updating this post in the near future to include an RSS feed and iTunes option. Subscribe to the comments if you want to be sure to know when that happens.
[audio:https://media.libsyn.com/media/m2l/Flatworld-Eric-Frank-091008.mp3]Subscribe to the Radio Free Learning podcast:
Jeff Cobb
Mission to Learn
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