For those of you who haven’t yet decided to follow Mission to Learn on Twitter (You know who you are.), here’s a round up of some exquisite links I’ve tweeted lately on the general topic of brain science and the human mind:
- A Brief Guide to Neuroscience (The Guardian)
Just what it says it is – a quick run down on one of the trendiest of sciences these days.
- What is Working Memory and Why Does it Matter? (National Center for Learning Disabilities)
I mention working memory frequently here on Mission to Learn. This post gives you some of the essentials in the context of learning disabilities.
- Matters of the Brain: Why Men and Women Are So Different (Live Science)
It’s not because men’s brains are from Mars and women’s are from Venus. Read this post to get some of the real reasons.
- Student’s brain flatlined during classes (Boing Boing)
Well, we’ve all had those kinds of class experiences, eh?
- Maintain your brain: The secrets to aging success (Science Daily)
It’s not all about genetics and fate. This brief review of a journal article suggests the path research on brain aging may take.
- What Eating Too Much Sugar Does to Your Brain (Psychology Today)
Hint: it’s not good. And when you consider that “the average American consumes 156 pounds of added sugar per year…”
- Overeating may harm memory (Andrew Weil)
Remember: you really need to watch what you eat. Dr. Weil explains why.
- Good list of Ideas and Resources for Keeping Your Brain Sharp (The New York Times)
A good list that hits on many of the themes I cover regularly here on Mission to Learn. Being an active, conscious, healthy learner pays off.
- The brain… it makes you think. Doesn’t it? (The Guardian)
An interesting dialogue between two experts on the unconscious brain.
- You brain is not as rational as you may think it is (The Daily Beast)
An article focused on Leonard Mlodinow’s very interesting book Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior.
Enjoy – and I hope to see you over on Twitter.
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