
10 Most Popular Posts of All Time on Mission to Learn

popular-postsEvery once in a while its nice to stop and take stock of what’s working and what’s not on the blog. There are many gauges for this, but one that is easy to quantify is which posts have attracted the most views on the site. The following 10 posts have attracted the most “unique page views,” according to Google Analytics.

While these don’t really paint a complete picture of Mission to Learn, new visitors might find them a good starting point nonetheless, and long-time readers might find it fun to revisit some of them. Here they are in reverse order, Letterman-style:

10. A Definition of Learning

I was a good two years into Mission to Learn before I realized it might be valuable to offer a definition of what I mean by learning. Apparently there are a number of people out there looking for such a definition. Look for this one to evolve over time.

9. 25 Free Online Resources and Web Apps for Lifelong Learners

This is one of the guest posts that has done very well on Mission to Learn. If you write a blog about any aspect of lifelong learning or personal growth, guest posting is one of the best ways to drive some traffic and attract new subscribers. Consider submitting to Mission to Learn, and definitely study posts like this one for tips.

8. 15 Ways to Find an Hour a Day of Extra Time…for Focused Learning

This is part of the Zen Learning Habits series, a make-shift personal writer’s workshop through which I am attempting to learn from Zen Habits founder Leo Babauta. It’s a testimony to Leo’s great skill as a blogger that a re-worked version of one of his posts can end up being one of the more popular posts on a completely different blog!

7. 25 Sites and Tools to Exercise Your Brain

“Brain training” is a very hot topic, so it’s no surprise that this one (another guest post) attracted quite a bit of traffic.

6. 50 Web Widgets for Your Learning Mix

An oldy that is due for an update – and maybe an iPhone-only version. There are lots of clever little tools out there for infusing learning into the nooks and crannies of your life. (5348 unique views)

5. Learning 2.0 for Associations – Free eBook

Aside from guest posting on other blogs, offering some form of substantial free content is another great way to build traffic. The Learning 2.0 book is not as in synch with the overall thrust of Mission to Learn as it used to be, but it attracted a great deal of traffic in its day, and continues to do so.

4. 15 Free Online Collaboration Tools and Apps

I thought this one would be popular, but I was a little surprised by just how popular it has proven to be. Apparently people are very eager to collaborate for free.

3. 12 Online Resources a Book Lover Will Love!

This one got “stumbled” by a power stumbler, and the rest is history. Traffic shot through the roof and you may see it at the top of the list before too long.

2. More Than 100 Free Places to Learn Online – and Counting

This was the first post on Mission to Learn to generate a traffic surge, and two years later, it is still one of the most popular posts. Just shows you how hungry people are for learning opportunities.

1. 26 Learning Games to Change the World

I would have never guessed at the time that I posted this one that it would turn out to be by far the most popular post on the blog. In addition to the significant number of page views, it has also attracted more than 700 bookmarks on Delicious. Learning, games, and social change go together well it seems.

So that’s the Top 10 based on unique page views. I welcome your comments on this post or on any of the individual posts above. Unfortunately, after a server disaster at Bluehost (a company to avoid if you expect to ever have any significant blog traffic), I lost a lot of comments, so it is hard for me to gauge popularity based on comments.


P.S. – If you like what you read here on Mission to Learn, I’d really appreciate it if you would subscribe by RSS feed or by e-mail.

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