One great way to monitor free and low cost online learning opportunities is to join hundreds of other subscribers to Mission to Learn’s Learning Monitor. We’ve just published a new edition, and it will arrive in your inbox automatically if you subscribe today.
So what’s the Monitor? It’s a great collection – a veritable Learning Smorgasboard – of links to great educational content that we put out eight times a year. We cover a wide range of topics for those with specific interests as well for those of you – you know who you are! – who are just fascinated with what the Web has made possible for lifelong learning and self education. We also throw in a dose of recent news and insights from the world of learning.
You can take a look at the archives (posted at the end of every quarter) to get a feel for what’s offered. And below are a few highlights from this edition. We know you’ll love it, and hey, if you don’t, you can unsubscribe with a couple of clicks. Give it a try today – and please share the good word about the Monitor with any other passionate lifelong learners who you think may be interested!
Highlights from the latest Learning Monitor
The latest Monitor features more than 30 new learning resources – nearly all of them free. Here are just a few:
A multimedia web-book about art and art history. This was a 2009 Webby award winner – and deservedly so. Well worth a visit.
The Ultimate Self-Education Reading List
A great list of books and blogs related to self-education from Jamie Littlefield at Self-Educated Scholar (a blog you need to add to your RSS Reader if you haven’t already).
A site for finding and recommending open educational resources
via Downes
“GamesCanTeach is a non-commercial project of Web Courseworks. Our goal is to promote game-based learning by bridging the gap between academic research and practice, enabling game-based learning practitioners, academics, developers, teachers, trainers, and everyone else who cares about game-based learning to keep up on the best ideas being generated by the casual Flash game development community, engage with the insights of academic research into game-based learning, bring those two realms together in their work, and, have fun doing it.” You’ll find a nice collection of casual games on the games page.
100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scientists
From “Unless you’re enrolled at a top university or are an elite member of the science and engineering inner circle, you’re probably left out of most of the exciting research explored by the world’s greatest scientists. But thanks to the Internet, and our list of 100 incredible lectures, you’ve now got access to the cutting edge theories and projects that are changing the world.” via @openculture
15 Places to Learn Spanish for Free | Spanish Only
A guest post from the ubiquitous Karin Schweitzer on the Spanish Only blog. “If you want to learn Spanish at your own pace or if you just want to increase your knowledge outside of the classroom, there are plenty of resources online that can help. Here are 15 free sites, podcasts, Twitter feeds, online lessons, courses, and social networks for Spanish language learners. Most sites are for beginners, but sometimes even an intermediate learner can get something out of them.”
WOW – what a great list! thanks for sharing.