I mentioned back in the fall that I had enrolled in Leo Babauta’s A-List Blogging Bootcamp in an effort to take my blogging to the next level. For those of you not familiar with Leo, he is the creator of Zen Habits, a blog he took from 0 to 150,000 subscribers in the span of about two years. Bottom line: Leo knows a thing or two about blogging, and better yet, he is dedicated to teaching others.
Tomorrow TODAY (Saturday, Feb 13) Leo’s current bootcamp “How to Create a Blog that Rocks” will kick off at 5PM eastern with a live Webinar. If you are really serious about building and growing a blog, I’d be hard pressed to come up with a better place to start. When you sign up for the bootcamp, you get:
- direct access to Leo’s tremendously valuable knowledge and insights through a high quality series of lessons and Webinars;
- access to a great network of other bloggers who will be one of your best resources going forward;
- high quality interaction with Leo himself and his Bootcamp partner Mary Jaksch (also a highly successful blogger at Goodlife Zen and Write to Done).
Like most things of this sort (or at least ones run by people who know what they are doing), you get lots of great free learning content simply by signing up to get more information. Even if you don’t sign on for the full Bootcamp, it’s worth at least signing up for more info on A-List Blogging Bootcamps to get the freebies.
There are, of course, other ways to go about this. Leo’s course costs money, so you could opt for going out and finding free resources instead. In fact, I strongly encourage you to do that – you will learn a lot and make some great connections in the process. I did that for years to great benefit, but I found that when I finally connected in to the well organized set of resources and the great connections that Leo and Mary provide, the impact was much higher than anything I had been able to do on my own.
Since signing on and starting to follow Leo and Mary’s advice my subscriptions and traffic here on Mission to Learn have gone up by 50 percent, and they have more than doubled on my personal blog.
For the cynical out there – or more positively, those of you who are applying your critical thinking skills – yes, the links I am giving you here are affiliate links. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was not an affiliate, but that was because there was not an affiliate program. As soon as Leo and Mary started one, I signed up right away. This is a program I believe in, and if it can produce a little income to cover hosting and other expenses here on Mission to Learn, so much the better.
Really, if you are serious about blogging, check out How to Create a Blog That Rocks
P.S. – I’ll be in the forums at the Bootcamp myself helping to answer questions and provide guidance to new bloggers. I hope to see you there!