
Reader Comments

I’m indebted to each of the following individuals for taking the time to review 10 Ways to Be a Better Learner and offer their thoughts:

“As an educator and lifelong learner, I think that Jeff Cobb does a tremendous job of showing how you can stretch your mind to its fullest potential. The ideas in this book are research-based and insightful, and I love his ideas on attaining a “beginner’s mind” to become a learner who can affect the world in positive ways. We all know where we want to go – the challenge is how to get there. 10 Ways to Be a Better Learner will make that journey easier.”

– Moana Evans, Educator, San Diego, California


“Jeff Cobb has condensed the most important and interesting research on self-directed learning into a compact, practical manual. Spend a few hours with this book and you’ll gain invaluable tools for thriving in the learning economy.”

 – Blake Boles, author of College Without High School and founder of Zero Tuition College (www.ztcollege.com)


“Jeff Cobb has put together a fantastic tome that reinforces basic education techniques that are often overlooked. This book will not only teach you techniques to learn, but how to learn constantly.”

– Chris Hutton, student/blogger at https://liter8.net, Bloomington, Minnesota


“As a teacher I thought this was an excellent book. It contained a great many ideas for how to be a good student once you leave school. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in bettering themselves. It provides a useful framework for thinking about how you actually acquire knowledge. It is a quick read that is well worth it!”

– Chris Kunkel, Teacher, Jersey City, New Jersey


“10 Ways to Be a Better Learner provides a snapshot for students and teachers about the way we need to use our brains and other resources to tap into a better future. So, tap into any chapter now and see the immediate returns. ”

– Anthony Paine, Educational Leader, Noble Park North, Australia


“I love learning. I love trying new things I’ve never done before or trying to do something even better. Reading Jeff Cobb’s new book, I found it to be an easy read that is enjoyable, well written, and relevant to anyone who is looking to enhance their learning skills. Learning is a lifelong journey we all must embrace.”

– Soha El-Borno, Freelance Writer, Montreal, Quebec


“This book is an introspection and reminder for learning. It makes me review my own learning and my classes. It works in personal life as well. I would recommend it to my students.”

– Austin Tsai, Chinese tutor & personal growth worker, Taipei, Taiwan


“Ingest 10 Ways to Be a Better Learner quickly—you’ll want to read it at one sitting—and then digest it at your leisure so as to gain the maximum benefit. This is powerful medicine, but it requires no spoonful of sugar. Jeff Cobb’s short but pithy book wrests learning from the context of academia into the learner’s patch. It covers a wide range of topics ranging from the use of blogs to taking care of the body. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to launch their own lifelong growth and development.”

– William Lucas, Lecturer, Learning Support, Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, New Zealand

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