Interested in getting a free book in exchange for your thoughts?
I’ve been working on converting my “10 Ways to Be a Better Learner” series into a brief book. After a good bit of updating, rewriting, and editing, I now have what is very close to a final draft. Before I send it off to be converted into various formats, I am hoping to get a few kind folks to take a look at it and, if they like it, offer some words of praise that I can include on the back cover, etc.
So, here’s the deal: You can either comment here or contact me using the Mission to Learn Web form. I’ll send you a PDF of the book as it currently stands. Read it, and if you like it, please send back a few words that reflect what you liked about it, your feelings about the book, etc. You know, “This book rocked my world and changed my life” – that sort of thing.
If you don’t like it, that’s okay too – you are under no obligation to say anything positive about it. (Though, I am also under no obligation to print anything negative you say about it 😉
Either way, you get to keep the draft and I will also send you a signed copy of the final book (assuming you want it!)
That’s it. Thanks.
would like to have copy of your book to read
I’d like to have a copy to read, and happy to give you feedback
Please send me a copy and I’ll send you feedback. 🙂 Deadline? Merci.
Hi Jeff
I’d love to do it, please send the PDF to me. What is your deadline?
Hi again Jeff
Many thanks for the pdf which I read easily at one sitting – always a good sign. Will send fuller feedback tomorrow via gmail. Expect praise!
I Jeff
I’d like to read your book if I may. I have plenty of reading time here in Japan (where I’m just a beginner with the language).
I’d be happy to do it, Jeff! Send it my way..what’s your deadline for the feedback?
I’d love to help out. Send me the PDF!!! Is there anything I need to know before reading it?